Annual Report 2022/2023

IngCH: more than just promoting young talent

For 36 years now, we have been encouraging young people to get involved in technology and IT, awakening their interest in careers in engineering and the MINT subjects (mathematics, IT, science and technology) and putting them in direct contact with apprentices, students, professionals and experts. We also use a variety of activities to raise awareness among the public about the importance of technology and IT in business, society and the environment, and we clarify what careers within these fields look like.

In addition to promoting young talent, we also promote dialogue between sectors and offer our members exclusive opportunities for networking through a wide range of event formats. Furthermore, we provide our expertise whenever we can, we advise you on what to do if you want to organise activities within your company for schoolchildren and students, and we put you in contact with the right university.

Facts & Figures 2022/2023

member companies
young people directly reached
Technology and IT Weeks
in secondary schools throughout Switzerland
«Achtung Technik Los!» action days
at secondary schools
Meitli Technology Days
job, study and career advisors
completed a training

numerous consultations and MINT days through our
MINT service centre

key partnerships with a host of different organisations

Promoting young talent – a joint goal


Promoting young talent is something we are passionate about. Opening doors to unknown worlds for young people, giving them new insights, and showing them unconsidered career and study pathways: we firmly believe that being in direct contact with young people as part of our numerous projects is truly worthwhile.

But promoting young talent is not a solo endeavour – it is only possible through collaboration with our member companies and other enterprises, universities (including universities of applied sciences), other educational institutions and numerous advisors and workshop leaders. We want to take this opportunity to thank all those involved who work alongside us to promote young talent.

IngCH’s largest project is its Technology and IT Weeks. These events give pupils the opportunity to learn more about companies, universities and research institutes, and to look more carefully at their options for study. Workshops also teach these young people how to think like engineers and work intensively on a project.

With Meitli Technology Days, we give girls in the process of choosing their career the opportunity to learn more about careers in technical fields. In the financial year 2022/2023, Meitli Technology Days broke a new record with 12 open days at six companies. During the one- and two-day programmes, 230 girls got a taste of what technology is all about.

Schools that need support in MINT-related matters can turn to us for straightforward assistance. Through the MINT service centre, we find the right solution for these schools, whether it is a MINT day at the school itself or a visit to a university or company. In each case, we consider the specific and individual needs of the institution seeking support.

Events & Training

ETH-Industry Dialogue on the Future

The ETH Industry Dialogue on the Future is organised annually by IngCH in close cooperation with EPFL and ETH Zurich. The Advisory Board, which is chaired by the ETH Zurich President Joël Mesot, decides which topic the dialogue is dedicated to. The event sees industry decision-makers discussing the topics of the day with professors from ETH Zurich and EPFL.

The 20th ETH Industry Dialogue on the Future on the topic of ‘The Net Zero Emissions Challenge’ was held at the Nestlé Research Center in Lausanne on 2 December 2022. The some 120 participants were able to look back on a successful and in-depth collaboration. We would like to thank Nestlé for hosting the event in 2022!

The next ETH Industry Dialogue on the Future will be held at the Swiss Re Centre for Global Dialogue on 24 November 2023 and will look at the opportunities and challenges presented by the circular economy.



Members’ event and General Meeting

Twice a year, IngCH members meet to hear from the Executive Board and agency about the association’s activities and to exchange ideas. Following two postponements due to the pandemic, the General Meeting was finally held at Sonova in Stäfa in August. Our members learned about the complexity of hearing and of hearing aids. In March 2023, SBB invited us to visit the construction site that forms part of the ‘Zukunft Bahnhof Bern’ project. The scale and complexity of the construction project made a lasting impact on us.

Round Tables

Our new IngCH Round Tables event format was launched in spring 2023. The idea behind these round tables is to provide an opportunity for leading representatives of our member companies to discuss a current topic in an informal manner. The first round table was held on 16 March at IBM in cooperation with Siemens and focused on the skilled worker shortage. The participants appreciated being able to discuss the topic face-to-face and in an open manner.

Training for career advisors

At MAN Energy Solutions in Zurich in October 2022, around 30 job, study and career advisors learned more about the changes within careers in industry. The training focused on sustainability and service. In addition to presentations on the subject matter, participants were able to ask questions and discuss the topics. They also gained exclusive insights into MAN Energy Solutions’ production.

More IngCH activities

Web, newsletter and Social Media

On our website (, you can find a host of information about us, our activities, our projects and our members. In our integrated interactive studies dashboard, you can also find figures on the latest developments and trends at universities, including universities of applied sciences. You can also keep up to date on our activities through LinkedIn and our newsletter – follow us and subscribe to our newsletter to make sure you don’t miss a thing.

LinkedIn Posts in the 2022/2023 financial year
Linkedin followers
newsletter subscribers
Newsletters sent


IngFLASH is our online magazine where we regularly publish fascinating articles from the world of technology and science, including opinion pieces and interviews with employees from our member companies.

Publications 2022/2023:

6 portraits

8 specialist articles

5 viewpoint articles


We collaborate with a large number of players who pursue common objectives. These include:

The SVIN is a Swiss association that serves as a versatile platform for exchanging experiences and networking for female engineers and women in general in scientific and technical professions and companies. Since its founding in 1991, the SVIN has advocated for the concerns of women in the engineering profession and worked to get young women motivated for a career as an engineer. Today, the professional association has around 300 members and 48 supporting members, companies and educational institutions.

The WRO is a global competition for young people who are enthusiastic about technology, combining sporting thrills with scholastic challenges. Young people design and build a LEGO MINDSTORMS robot, program it and use it to take on other teams in an exciting competition.

IT-Feuer brings together key figures in the promotion of young talent within the IT sector. The initiative develops role models from the sector and informs teachers about the extensive range of opportunities available for promoting young IT talent. And always with a special focus on women, who continue to be significantly under-represented in this area. IngCH is one of the sponsor organisations.

In the past financial year, we also supported the Informatiktage in Zurich and Engineers’ Day.



Annual budget 2022/2023:

0 Franken
Finances 2021/2022 – Annual budget: 876 000 francs

of which:

young talent

569 000 francs


574 000 francs*2021/22

Premises and administration expenditure, management

156 000 francs


138 000 francs*2021/22

Training and development

58 000 francs


43 000 francs*2021/22

Marketing expenditure

98 000 francs


114 000 francs*2021/21

Generating enthusiasm for the engineering profession – the IngCH organisation

Representatives from different sectors strategically manage the association with the President – many of them having done so for many years. The dialogue with and input from the Board members are extremely valued by the agency.



11 members
6 members
Freelancers for Technology and IT Weeks
5 members

Members & partners

Members of IngCH

IngCH Engineers Shape our Future is supported by 27 companies from a wide range of industries, thus demonstrating that engineering expertise plays a key role in competitiveness in all parts of the economy.

Partners of IngCH

IngCH Engineers Shape our Future receives both financial and other support from important Swiss institutions.

ETH Zurich relies on talented and committed students. With its projects, IngCH makes a valuable contribution to bringing young people closer to the diverse opportunities offered by MINT professions. This helps us to attract new talent in Switzerland to study engineering.

Prof. Dr. Joël Mesot

President, ETH Zürich


IngCH Engineers Shape our Future

Lea Hasler, Nathalie Künzli

Chiara Brändli, Zoé Jeanneret, Lena Frölich, Maggie Winter

Martin Schellenberg

Picnic Terminal Visuelle Kommunikation

Lena Frölich, Zoé Jeanneret, Claudio Kalt, Nathalie Künzli, Franziska Martin, Samuel Wernli, Maggie Winter


IngCH Engineers Shape our Future

Klosbachstrasse 107
8032 Zürich
+41 43 305 05 90

© 2023 IngCH. All rights reserved.